Thursday, September 11, 2014

From the Classroom to the Office..

I don’t think I will ever forget the moment when I finally realized I was not going to be a teacher anymore and would be joining my wife at Moore Research Services, Inc. After 22 years of teaching at Cathedral Prep, I had decided to retire from teaching to help my wife in her growing and expanding company. Oh trust me, there was a whole mix of emotions, questions, and concerns that were running through my head and I am sure Colleen felt the same way. However, the timing felt absolutely right. Colleen and I had been talking for a couple of years about me coming to work at Moore Research, but it wasn’t until April of 2014 when we were on a walk in Fort Myers, Florida that we looked at each other and said, “Let’s do this.” Of course we had already drawn up the pros and cons for each side before coming to that realization, but I vividly remember on that walk the excited feeling I had once we made the decision.

I see people now and the question is always the same – “how do you like your new job?”.. My answer is always the same – “I love it.” Now before you read the rest, please understand this – I loved teaching, I loved teaching at Cathedral Prep, I have nothing bad to say about my years there, and I left on good terms. It was a wonderful place to teach and there really is something special about the place – their history, their traditions, and their dedication to developing young men. However, that being said, there is something about a new job that is invigorating and exciting. You don’t really realize that until you make the switch because, quite honestly, after 22 years of teaching history, it was pretty much the same thing day in and day out. Not that I didn’t like it – I just didn’t realize how monotonous it had become. Sure I had different students every year and new methods of instruction were always being introduced, but it still didn’t change the main thing I was doing each day. 

When I made the career change, it was like jumping into a cold pool of water – I became suddenly very awake and very aware of my day to day life. With my new job at Moore Research, I can’t tell you what I am going to be doing tomorrow and for someone who followed a very strict day-to-day schedule, that’s very exciting! Every day I come in and it’s something different – technical issues, different surveys and test products, evaluating office space, payroll – the list goes on and on. Now I know what you are thinking.. that eventually, like teaching, this job will become monotonous and I might even agree with you. But you know what? That’s ok – because for as monotonous as my old job may have become, I loved it and wouldn’t have changed it for the world. I know many dislike and even fear change, but change can be good. For me, at this point in my life, change has given me a new outlook, now my world looks so different than from what I knew before. I have a new purpose – a new mission in life and I look forward to helping make Moore Research Services the best company it possibly can be.

Do you steer clear of change and if so, why? 
Have you boldly made a change recently that when you look back on it now you wonder why you didn’t do it sooner? I would love to hear about it!