Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Revamping Your Website

It was a tricky and timely process, but we finally got there… Our new website is finished! And we learned a lot along the way. Here are six tips to consider when revamping your company’s website.

1.      Create 3-5 “benefit statements”
Before you start diving into color schemes, background images, and all that fun stuff, create 3-5 “benefit statements.” These are things that you want people to “take away” after visiting your site. Your audience needs to understand what benefits you bring to the table and they need to gain an understanding of this within the first couple minutes of visiting your site. Questions to ponder when creating benefit statements:
o   What can we do that no other company can?
o   Why choose us over a competitor?
o   What misconceptions do people have about our company?
o   What has made our company thrive?

2.    Consider ALL of your audiences
As a market research company, we have many different audiences looking at our site. We have repeat clients, potential clients, current research participants, and others who are “information seekers.” You need to make sure your site caters to all audiences’ needs. Along with that, think about what your site is doing for each of your audiences, and make it easy for them to find what they need.

3.    Don’t throw out the baby with the bath water
Your old website was perfect at one point in time, so there are still some good pieces of it that can be worked into the new site. Much of our content was the same, so we used a lot of the old wordage and just updated it and organized it better.

4.    Incorporate social media
Having a social media presence on your website is crucial. Regardless of how many Likes or Followers you have, the social aspect on your website makes your company look modern and easily accessible. Add the social media icons on to your site or add a feed if you are frequently posting updates. To better promote your online brand, your social sites and your website should work seamlessly.

5.    Ask your colleagues for feedback!
You can get a totally different perspective if you look from the outside-in. After looking at your website over and over, you may be blind to some things that others see when they go on to your site. Asking colleagues for their input about your current site will help in the development of the new website, and will give you better insight into what your audience actually sees when they are on the site.

6.    Consider where your audience will be accessing your site from – laptop, tablet, mobile phone, etc.
Everyone is on-the-go today and going online in many different ways. This is plain and simple: Make sure your website can be easily viewed and read from all mobile devices. 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Another Way to Spring Clean

Today marks the first day of Spring, so the annual “Spring Cleaning” begins! When I hear cleaning, I think: Vacuum, Garbage bags, Windex, Mop, Soapy water. But our list of Spring Cleaning items will not have you reaching for any of those! Since many people now look on Pinterest for the best way to clean a microwave or creative ways to organize your closet before actually doing it, we thought it would be appropriate to have a list of Spring Cleaning items related to Social Media and Technology.

Do you ever scroll through your Newsfeed and think, “Who on earth is this person?” That’s a sure sign that you need some Facebook Friend Spring Cleaning. Go through your list of “Friends” and unfriend those who you really don’t know (trust me, everybody has them!) If you have never spoken with one of your Facebook friends in person, there is a good chance you do not need to see what they are eating for lunch every day or what their new car looks like. But don’t worry, when you unfriend someone they will not be notified, but you will be removed from their friends list as well. Also, depending on where you work or play, you may want to consider cleaning out your Facebook pictures, too….. Need I say more?

Mobile Device
Look through your contacts and weed out those people who you never call or text. If you haven’t contacted them in a couple years, delete! It will save you time in the long run and save up some space for downloading another version of Angry Birds. Speaking of apps, if you have only used the app once, delete it! (Ahh, doesn’t that feel good?) If you’re an Apple user, here’s a tip. When you remove an app through one of your devices or through the Apps screen in iTunes, it does not delete the application off of your computer. In order to permanently delete from your hard drive you need to delete it through the iTunes library.

We all have been there… Looking for one email but can’t find it amongst the hundreds of others. It’s very advantageous to create email folders. If you’re a Microsoft Outlook user, it is super easy to create folders and to organize emails. If you click File, then Manage Rules & Alerts, you can create rules that send emails into a specified folder based on words in the subject line or body of the email, the email recipients, etc.

It is smart to save some of your documents for a few years, especially business documents. You never know when you will need it, right? But if you haven’t looked at the folder or document since 2007, it’s time to dump it in the recycle bin! Sort all of your folders or docs by date, and you will be surprised by all the “trash” you have saved up in there.

Do you have any other social/tech related "cleans" you'd like to share? We'd love to hear!

Let the deleting begin!

Lindsay Moore
Project Director