Friday, May 9, 2014

The Woman Who Started It All

This year marks our 45th year in business! 
Since 1969, we have seen a number of changes, struggles and triumphs. We are so proud of where we have come from and look ahead with much anticipation.

In celebration of our 45th anniversary, as well as Mother's Day, I thought we would do a little Q&A with the woman who started it all, and the woman I get to call Grandma - Peggy Moore!

Take a look back 45 years ago... what would you say the biggest challenge was when first starting the business?
"When I started the business back in 1969, my biggest challenge was raising four young children and trying to start a business from my home. Although it wasn't easy, I ran the business from my home for 10 years. It took a lot of patience, organization and time management. Eventually, the company started rapidly growing and I knew it was time to move to a larger place (outside of my home!)."

Imagine Moore Research in 1975, versus today, 2014, in what ways does it look different?
"The business today looks different largely because of the type of work being conducted. Our main projects back then were door-to-door interviewing in the Erie area. We only had a few clients that we worked for. Can you imagine going door to door today? We had 30-40 interviewers that loved that type of work. They liked that personal contact. The interviewers were mainly young mothers with children and they could only work part time. Now, Moore Research is conducting studies around the world and not only collecting the data, but analyzing it and providing reports. Of course, with technology playing such a large role in society today, the way the research is being conducted is a lot different (they are no longer banging on doors!). Moore Research is now conducting focus groups, online surveys, mobile and social media research, taste tests, amongst many others. The company has evolved into a full service research company that has experience in many different industries."

How would you sum up the success Moore Research has seen thus far?
"I credit the success of Moore Research to my daughter Colleen. I retired a little over 10 years ago and felt it was time and that she was ready to take over the business. When I retired I was happy with the level we were at, but she has taken it above and beyond what I never could have imagined. Colleen has chosen a new innovative, energetic staff. The people who work and have worked at Moore Research are vital. It is unbelievable what they have contributed to the success of our business."

Thanks Gram, and thanks to our Moore Research friends, family, and to the people who have believed in us along the way! Looking forward to what the future will bring!

Monday, May 5, 2014

Fake It Until You Become It

Last week, some ladies from our office attended the Women In Leadership Development (WILD) Conference in Erie, PA. It was a day full of empowering and enriching the minds of women leaders. The morning started off with a wildly exciting keynote presentation from Grace Killelea.* 

Among the many useful tips we learned from her, one was the "power pose." Grace explained how our body language not only portrays something to others, but it also affects how we feel about ourselves. Although we may feel like we are lacking confidence, this power pose can actually make us feel confident. You've heard the saying, "Fake it until you make it," well this is all about faking it until you become it. Grace explained a study that was conducted by Social Psychologist, Amy Cuddy, that proved if we stand in a power pose for just two minutes, it can affect the testosterone and cortisol levels in our brains. You can see Amy's TED Talk here which explains this study further. 

Next time you find yourself going into a job interview, having to give a presentation, or any other stressful evaluative experience... All you need is privacy, two minutes, and a wonder woman pose. (Take note from us below...)

Try it out and spread the power!

I'd love to hear some feedback...
-Have you tried it? Did you find it helpful?
-What do you do to boost your confidence before a big presentation or interview?


*Grace runs Grace Killelea Consulting and launched the program Half The Sky Leadership, which is a program designed to strengthen women's leadership skills and executive presence.