Sunday, November 2, 2014

Give Your Day The Boost It Needs

“You don't actually do a project; you can only do action steps related to it. When enough of the right action steps have been taken, some situation will have been created that matches your initial picture of the outcome closely enough that you can call it "done.” 
 David Allen, Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity

Productivity is the result of a combination of action steps to help you stay on track during the work day. I have some tips for those looking to boost their productivity:
  • Create your own to-do list system. There’s nothing more satisfying for me than checking off a to-do list, and at the end of the day seeing all of my accomplished work. Take time at the beginning of your day to organize tasks, putting them in priority order. You might prefer a calendar to X off or some artsy stationary paper to make it fun, go with what works for you to stay on track for the day. 
  • Clear off your desk ~ Clear out your mind. Keep your desk clutter free to help keep your mind clutter free. Organize those papers in files – even organize your email into sub files. You’ll know right where everything is to keep the creative juices flowing and have plenty of thinking space! 
  • Check your emails less frequently, develop designated times for correspondence. Checking your email constantly throughout the day is bound to throw off your productivity. Understandably, not all of us have the ability to set aside our email, however, as a suggestion, take inventory of how often you are checking your email to decide how it is affecting your productivity. You may notice you do have a little wiggle room to schedule email checking appointments. 
  • Focus on brain nutrition. How and what you eat absolutely affects how you feel, in turn affecting your productivity...

  1. If your diet is full of high calorie-low nutrition food, try adding in whole foods: such as veggies and fruits. Pay attention to how your body feels after eating whole, clean foods.
  2. Drink water. Water is known to energize and help us keep focused.*
  3. Eat your lunch away from your desk, it gives you time to breathe, so when lunchtime is over you are ready to restart fresh.
  4. If you drink coffee or tea, try sweetening it with Stevia or another natural sugar replacements to keep those sugar crashes at bay.

There are many resources online to give you more ideas of how to stay productive – these are just a few of my personal favorite tips.
I’d love to know, what keeps you productive / gets you flowing?



Tuesday, October 21, 2014

An Office Party to Scream About

With Halloween being next week (already?!), we thought we could share some tips on how to have some killer fun in the office. Based on our highly scientific research on office celebrations, here are some surefire ways to make working on Friday, the 31st, spooktacular.

  • Frightening food – Ask everyone to make a scary looking snack or dessert and bring it to the office to share. Vote on the freakiest looking food! Bloody Witch Fingers anyone? OR have everyone make something for a pot luck lunch, but here’s the trick: the food is only allowed to be orange, black, yellow, or green.
  • Create a photo booth – This is always a hit. String up some orange lights and cobwebs as your background, then get creative! Have a box full of masks, witch hats, and other Halloween décor for people to use as props.
  • Pumpkin carving – Work as a team (or break off into smaller groups) and carve a pumpkin together. If you don’t want to deal with pumpkin guts and sharp knives, have a pumpkin decorating contest. Bring in a box of crafting items and go to town! It will be a lot of fun and a great team building activity.
  • Go trick-or-treating – Halloween is about the candy after all. Encourage everyone to put out candy on their desks so other coworkers can mingle and trick-or-treat without leaving the office.
  • Allow your staff to wear costumes or Halloween-inspired outfits… Because everyone wants to walk into their office with a black cape on at least once, right?!

What ways do you celebrate Halloween? We would love to hear some of your ideas!

P.S. Need some freaky food ideas? Check out some of ours below!


Bloody Witch Fingers!
(Sugar cookies shaped into fingers,
with a slivered almond as the fingernail,
and raspberry jam as the blood)

Bloodshot Eyeballs! (Blend crushed up
Oreo pieces and cream cheese together,
form into balls. Melt white chocolate and
dip Oreo balls. Add red sprinkles, a red
gummy ring and a chocolate chip to finish it off)

Thursday, September 11, 2014

From the Classroom to the Office..

I don’t think I will ever forget the moment when I finally realized I was not going to be a teacher anymore and would be joining my wife at Moore Research Services, Inc. After 22 years of teaching at Cathedral Prep, I had decided to retire from teaching to help my wife in her growing and expanding company. Oh trust me, there was a whole mix of emotions, questions, and concerns that were running through my head and I am sure Colleen felt the same way. However, the timing felt absolutely right. Colleen and I had been talking for a couple of years about me coming to work at Moore Research, but it wasn’t until April of 2014 when we were on a walk in Fort Myers, Florida that we looked at each other and said, “Let’s do this.” Of course we had already drawn up the pros and cons for each side before coming to that realization, but I vividly remember on that walk the excited feeling I had once we made the decision.

I see people now and the question is always the same – “how do you like your new job?”.. My answer is always the same – “I love it.” Now before you read the rest, please understand this – I loved teaching, I loved teaching at Cathedral Prep, I have nothing bad to say about my years there, and I left on good terms. It was a wonderful place to teach and there really is something special about the place – their history, their traditions, and their dedication to developing young men. However, that being said, there is something about a new job that is invigorating and exciting. You don’t really realize that until you make the switch because, quite honestly, after 22 years of teaching history, it was pretty much the same thing day in and day out. Not that I didn’t like it – I just didn’t realize how monotonous it had become. Sure I had different students every year and new methods of instruction were always being introduced, but it still didn’t change the main thing I was doing each day. 

When I made the career change, it was like jumping into a cold pool of water – I became suddenly very awake and very aware of my day to day life. With my new job at Moore Research, I can’t tell you what I am going to be doing tomorrow and for someone who followed a very strict day-to-day schedule, that’s very exciting! Every day I come in and it’s something different – technical issues, different surveys and test products, evaluating office space, payroll – the list goes on and on. Now I know what you are thinking.. that eventually, like teaching, this job will become monotonous and I might even agree with you. But you know what? That’s ok – because for as monotonous as my old job may have become, I loved it and wouldn’t have changed it for the world. I know many dislike and even fear change, but change can be good. For me, at this point in my life, change has given me a new outlook, now my world looks so different than from what I knew before. I have a new purpose – a new mission in life and I look forward to helping make Moore Research Services the best company it possibly can be.

Do you steer clear of change and if so, why? 
Have you boldly made a change recently that when you look back on it now you wonder why you didn’t do it sooner? I would love to hear about it!


Monday, June 30, 2014

Our Boss Rocks!

We are so incredibly proud of our CEO, Colleen, for receiving the Marketing Research Association's Lifetime Achievement Award! She is the youngest (and we think the coolest) recipient of this national award.

The award is given to someone who has demonstrated a commitment of outstanding individual service to the Marketing Research Association and the marketing research profession. 

Read more about the award here!

Friday, May 9, 2014

The Woman Who Started It All

This year marks our 45th year in business! 
Since 1969, we have seen a number of changes, struggles and triumphs. We are so proud of where we have come from and look ahead with much anticipation.

In celebration of our 45th anniversary, as well as Mother's Day, I thought we would do a little Q&A with the woman who started it all, and the woman I get to call Grandma - Peggy Moore!

Take a look back 45 years ago... what would you say the biggest challenge was when first starting the business?
"When I started the business back in 1969, my biggest challenge was raising four young children and trying to start a business from my home. Although it wasn't easy, I ran the business from my home for 10 years. It took a lot of patience, organization and time management. Eventually, the company started rapidly growing and I knew it was time to move to a larger place (outside of my home!)."

Imagine Moore Research in 1975, versus today, 2014, in what ways does it look different?
"The business today looks different largely because of the type of work being conducted. Our main projects back then were door-to-door interviewing in the Erie area. We only had a few clients that we worked for. Can you imagine going door to door today? We had 30-40 interviewers that loved that type of work. They liked that personal contact. The interviewers were mainly young mothers with children and they could only work part time. Now, Moore Research is conducting studies around the world and not only collecting the data, but analyzing it and providing reports. Of course, with technology playing such a large role in society today, the way the research is being conducted is a lot different (they are no longer banging on doors!). Moore Research is now conducting focus groups, online surveys, mobile and social media research, taste tests, amongst many others. The company has evolved into a full service research company that has experience in many different industries."

How would you sum up the success Moore Research has seen thus far?
"I credit the success of Moore Research to my daughter Colleen. I retired a little over 10 years ago and felt it was time and that she was ready to take over the business. When I retired I was happy with the level we were at, but she has taken it above and beyond what I never could have imagined. Colleen has chosen a new innovative, energetic staff. The people who work and have worked at Moore Research are vital. It is unbelievable what they have contributed to the success of our business."

Thanks Gram, and thanks to our Moore Research friends, family, and to the people who have believed in us along the way! Looking forward to what the future will bring!

Monday, May 5, 2014

Fake It Until You Become It

Last week, some ladies from our office attended the Women In Leadership Development (WILD) Conference in Erie, PA. It was a day full of empowering and enriching the minds of women leaders. The morning started off with a wildly exciting keynote presentation from Grace Killelea.* 

Among the many useful tips we learned from her, one was the "power pose." Grace explained how our body language not only portrays something to others, but it also affects how we feel about ourselves. Although we may feel like we are lacking confidence, this power pose can actually make us feel confident. You've heard the saying, "Fake it until you make it," well this is all about faking it until you become it. Grace explained a study that was conducted by Social Psychologist, Amy Cuddy, that proved if we stand in a power pose for just two minutes, it can affect the testosterone and cortisol levels in our brains. You can see Amy's TED Talk here which explains this study further. 

Next time you find yourself going into a job interview, having to give a presentation, or any other stressful evaluative experience... All you need is privacy, two minutes, and a wonder woman pose. (Take note from us below...)

Try it out and spread the power!

I'd love to hear some feedback...
-Have you tried it? Did you find it helpful?
-What do you do to boost your confidence before a big presentation or interview?


*Grace runs Grace Killelea Consulting and launched the program Half The Sky Leadership, which is a program designed to strengthen women's leadership skills and executive presence.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

We Stand with Queen Bey

And Sheryl Sandberg. And Michelle Obama. And Jennifer Garner. And Jane Lynch. And Condoleezza Rice. And all the other women, men, and kids who believe in empowering young girls.

If you haven't heard yet, Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook COO and Founder of the nonprofit organization LeanIn.Org, wants to put a ban on the word bossy... And we think that's awesome.

At a young age, girls who are opinionated, who speak up or take initiative are often labeled as "bossy," while boys are called "confident" or "strong leaders." It's expected for a boy to be assertive and criticized when a girl acts the same way. Being called "bossy" at a young age can really hinder a young girl's confidence and hold them back from taking on challenges or opportunities. It tells them that it is not OK to speak up or to voice your opinion; it sets a precedent that girls can't be leaders.

The effects of being labeled "bossy" at a young age can stay with many girls throughout their lives and affects their mindset when starting to apply for jobs or when seeking promotions. A report by the American Association of University Women found that girls in 6th & 7th grade rate being popular and well-liked as more important than being perceived as competent or independent, while boys are more likely to rate those qualities as more important. Further, although women earn the majority of college degrees, women only "make up 19% of the U.S. Congress, 5% of Fortune 500 CEO's and 10% of heads of state.*

The fact that leadership is expected to look and act male needs to change. Now is the time to end this gendered language that discourages girls at an early age, and let's encourage young ladies to achieve their full potential. (Cue Beyonce - "Who Run The World?")

Have you witnessed this type of gendered language?
What would you say if you heard someone calling a young girl "bossy"?
I look forward to reading your comments!

Please join Moore Research in spreading awareness to #banbossy

Lindsay Moore
Project Director


Friday, January 31, 2014

It's a Game of Facts

Are you ready for some football? A Super Bowl party?  In case you were wondering what to watch this Sunday, Super Bowl XLVIII will be played at Metlife stadium in East Rutherford, New Jersey. 

         This year the Super Bowl teams are the Denver Broncos versus the Seattle Seahawks.  This is the first outdoor cold weather Super Bowl in its history.  The number of visitors expected to make their way to the greater New Jersey area this week is 400,000.  Roughly 20% of those guests or 82,500 to be exact will attend the game in person. Wish I could go although rumor has it an average seat goes for over $2,000, couch here I come.  While on my couch, I will be snacking away. Did you know that Super Bowl Sunday is the second largest day of food consumption in the United States after Thanksgiving?  Wowza that’s a lot of food!

         If you’re like me you want to watch the big game.  Some of you though are more interested in what comes during the time outs...the commercials.  Research shows that advertisers will pay up to a record $4.5 million for a thirty-second commercial spot. More than 105 million viewers are expected to watch. So next time you watch a Super Bowl ad maybe it will be something you can test at Moore Research.  If the game and the commercials aren’t your cup of tea you can always check out the halftime show, which this year will be Bruno Mars.  Looks like no bathroom breaks for me.

         They say this game is a game of inches, but I say it’s a game of facts.  Nearly $100 million is wagered each year.  Win or lose it’s an event that is watched worldwide and I for one, will be glued to the TV this Sunday.

Sidebar: Will the groundhog see it’s shadow?

  • Who do you think is going to win?
  • What’s your favorite part of Super Bowl Sunday?
  • Share your Super Bowl stories with us!

Cathy Filipowski
Operations Manager

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

If it Can Go in Erie, It Can Go Anywhere

It’s not a surprise to most residents of Erie, PA when they find out that their home is the #1 snowiest city in 2014 so far (And the 3rd snowiest city of 2013!)*. Yes there is a lot of snow, and most residents keep cold weather necessities close to them like hot chocolate, snow scrapers and mittens, though there is more to Erie than just snow…

There are also pepperoni balls! Most Erie natives are shocked when they find out that pepperoni balls are mostly exclusive to Erie. Why wouldn’t the nation want to indulge on delicious fresh bread balls stuffed with pepperoni? Stanganelli's, Barbato’s, and Valerio’s are our local hot spots most famous for their PB’s. Though, one food that we KNOW is exclusive to Erie is Smith’s brand Hot Dogs. When visiting home from out of state, it seems to be the one thing that people want to eat here and take home with them. 
Pat F. explains his love for Smith’s:

"I cook a Smith's hot dog and I'm young again and back with my parents on the beach on Lake Erie. Now I can still have a Smith's but it's with my children on the beach in Santa Monica, CA. Yea for cross country delivery!"
Pat F. - Santa Monica, CA

With all that being said, Erie is also an ideal test market for products and services. According to the Erie Pennsylvania Chamber of Commerce, “Demographically, Erie County is American in microcosm. With a population distribution and income tracking very close to national averages, Erie has long been a preferred test market for consumer packaged good companies.” Erie is a city that is reflective of most desired markets, which is only one of the reasons that our clients find Moore Research a valuable company to utilize to assess and strengthen their product lines or services.

Moore Research is experienced in qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methodology research. We not only are experienced in bringing in quality data, but also in taking the information found to the next level. Our ability to evaluate attitudes and behaviors are demonstrated through actionable results.

Do you think Erie is a good test market? If so, tell me why.
What is your favorite fun fact about Erie, PA?
What would you tell a friend (from out of state) makes Erie special?

Julia Thompson
Office Coordinator

*Rankings from the Golden Snow Globe, data from US cities over 100,000